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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

Web & Email Hosting, Web Design / Development
1404 140th Place N.E.
Bellevue , WA
United States 98007
Ryan Heinrichs
Chief Design Officer
As an independent software design and development company, we use our technology to create software to help companies save and/or make money. From the concept to the final product, we want to be a company that people think of when they need software solutions. We specialize in web & email hosting, web design, web development, email broadcasting, and other Internet services.
We are proud to offer a fantastic deal for fellow Execs members on our web and email hosting. Contact me to receive our complete Dreamersi web and email hosting service for $99 per year (+ $49 for SSL) - that's over $150 off! This includes a free domain, data backup, and unlimited email accounts.