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Altium Wealth

Wealth Management
2500 Westchester Ave, Suite 21
Purchase , NY
United States 10577
Mitchell Brill
Managing Director
Altium Logo
Altium believes wealth is compelled by a higher sense of purpose. We empower clients to create the life they envision for themselves, their families, and their communities. Helping others to achieve their purpose is our purpose.
Anytime something enormously important and impactful is accomplished, there is always a well-aligned team working flawlessly in the background. Altium’s highly experienced team brings a passion to serve clients through our various family office offerings. Our approach provides four interdependent elements of service, providing our clients with the transparency and confidence that their wealth is solidly aligned with their purpose. 

Altium redefines financial consulting, wealth management and the family office, creating a powerful new era in family wealth services, one where our client's purpose drives and directs everything. We look at the wealth equation from a different perspective: yours.
Founded on principles that form the bedrock of our firm today, Altium Wealth was born from the strong desire to be of uncommon service to our clients. In order to do that, we had to turn our backs on the old industry model and almost everything we learned about it up to that point.

In 2009, we recognized that in order to operate with our values we needed to take strong action. We stepped off the traditional path and headed out towards wealth management's uncharted territory to develop our own vision, free of the limitation and conflicted agendas of the established financial services industry.

We wanted to develop a client-centric model for service. We wanted to not simply look like we were client-centric, but to actually change the conversations, the focus, the transparency and the financial results for families. Obviously, to pull it off, we needed some distance from our industry, the big players and the entrenched formula for financial success that so many others had taken.

We did the only thing that made sense. We built it from the ground up.

With our founding partners and loyal team members by our side, we stepped off the path and started over, building a model that met with our core values. With strong growth since our inception, as well as a steadily growing base of inspiring clients and strategic professional alliances, Altium is exactly what we hoped it could become...

A company of purpose.