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Apollo Electric

Electrical Contractor - Non Union
127 W 24th St, 5th Floor
New York , NY
United States 10001
George Wasilewski
Apollo Electric is a fully licensed, electrical contracting company located in the heart of New York City. It began as a small, residential electrical contracting business in 1995 when George Wasilewski decided to move to the United States from Poland, starting the business from scratch. His dream was to build a company based on reputation and to become a premier contractor in one of the world’s most competitive cities. Today, Apollo Electric is composed of over 150 employees serving all five boroughs of New York City, as well as Florida, New Jersey, Long Island, Connecticut, and Westchester. We specialize in high-end, single-family residential and commercial (including but not limited to Office Space, Retail, Hospitality, Healthcare, and Multifamily) properties with a readily available team of licensed master electricians and qualified specialists/programmers working on Lutron systems like HomeWorks QS, Eco System and other Lutron wireless products alone or with cooperation with major AV contractors for NYC area.