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Aloha Data Services

Data Conversion
737 Bishop Street, Suite 100
Honolulu , HI
United States 96813
Ina Chang
Aloha Data Services, Inc. was founded in Hawaii in 2001, with special interest area in scanning large volume of files (medical/dental charts, legal files, x-rays, blueprints, pictures, slides, negatives, microfilms/microfiches), electronic records management and data capture (data entry). By using the latest technologies, we help companies transform to a paperless efficient office where information is right at their fingertips. In addition, we are also a certified scanner and repair center for Canon, Fujitsu and Kodak brands. For those customers whose files are extremely confidential, and are not allowed to be transported to other locations, we will setup our scanning operations in their office! In short, we are simply the one-stop solution for anyone's scanning needs!