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Picture Framing
1075 Bank St.
Ottawa , ON
Canada K1S 3W9
Paz Blundell
President / Owner
Framed! has been in operation since 1976. Staffed by artists, craftspeople and certified picture framers, our goal is to put good design and technical advice into a framing package you will own for a long, long time. Creative problem-solving and display is our cornerstone. The process of understanding your needs and selecting materials to enhance the artwork - whether a contemporary painting, photograph, or hand made textile- creates anticipation as customer and framer envision the final outcome. We observe the practice of "preservation framing" by using archival techniques and materials. If your artwork needs restoration or repair, we have a network of specialists from the Conservation industry whose skills we match to your needs. With over 38 years of experience, we work to maintain excellence in custom framing and design and develop good relationships that keep you coming back. We evolve with ever-changing materials and stay informed of interior trends to stay at the leading edge of our industry.