Conference Agenda
November 2 - 4, 2015 - Las Vegas
Suncoast Hotel
Monday Nov 2nd
8:00 to 4:30PM - Board Meeting - Room: Fairway 1
Plated Breakfast in the room at 8:00
(This is a scheduled meeting of the IEA Board, any IEA Member is welcome to attend in an observatory capacity if they choose.)
5:30PM to 9PM - Conference Registration & Welcome Reception - Room: Madrid Room A
Passed Hors d'oeuvres & some food platters
Hosted Open Bar, drinks included until 7:30, then cash bar.
5:30PM to 6:15PM - Conference Orientation for 1st Time Attendee Delegates - Eric H & Gary L to present with IEA Power Point presentation - Room: Madrid Room B
6:15PM to 7:00PM - "How to get a Return on Your Investment of time and money while attending the IEA Conference." - Gayle Stewart - Room: Madrid Room B
Tuesday Nov 3rd
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM - Late Registration outside of Madrid Room A
9:00 AM to 10:00AM - Opening Ceremonies - IEA President Lisa W to welcome attendees and get things rolling.
American Breakfast Buffet - In Main meeting room, Room: Madrid A
10:45 to 11:15 - Pre-Regional Meeting on IEA matters - Lisa W to chair meeting
- Room: Madrid A
11:15 to 11:45 - Regional Breakout three separate areas in main room
- Elections in main meeting room
- Room: Madrid A
Lisa W to announce newly elected board members
Tuesday Nov 3rd - Cont.
12:00 to 1:15PM - Keynote Speaker, - Room: Madrid A
Sponsor to introduce Johnny Campbell
Presenter: Johnny Campbell - The Transition Man (during lunch)
Lunch - Plated - Chicken Piccata
1:30 - 3:45 Breakout Sessions
These sessions will be held in two Separate Rooms. While topics of discussion are geared toward a specific segment of our delegates, please feel free to attend any of your choosing.
Sessions in Room One are of general interest to all attendees.
Sessions in Room Two are focused on improving association operation.
Session One: 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Room One: Adam Broetje - Online Marketing for Local Businesses - Room: Madrid B
Room Two: Membership Retention, Recruitment and Mentorship - Dom R, Gary L & Richard W - Room: Sunrise Room
Session Two: 2:45 - 3:45 pm
Room One: John Backstrom - Effective Trade Show Strategies - Room: Madrid B
Room Two: Association Management and Administration - Betty A, (&?) - Room: Sunrise Room
Board Meeting: 4:15 - 5:15pm Current, as well as New Elect Board - Room: Fairway 2
(This is a scheduled meeting of the IEA Board, any IEA Member is welcome to attend in an observatory capacity if they choose.)
After sessions, as everyone is on their own for dinner and evening activities, session leaders should encourage people to make informal arrangements to meet with other members for networking, eating and recreation, or there is also the possibility of a group outing to a live show on the Las Vegas strip.
Wednesday Nov 4th
7:00AM to 9:45AM - Breakfast Meeting
Executive Breakfast Buffet in main meeting room - Room: Madrid A
Announce New Board
SFEA to present and announce 2016 IEA Conference - San Francisco 100 Year Anniversary!
10:15AM to 11:15AM - Keynote Speaker - Room: Madrid A
Sponsor to introduce John Coyle -
Presenter: John Coyle - The Art of Really Living
11:40AM - 12:45PM - Lunch in main meeting room - Room: Madrid A
Southwestern Buffet Lunch
1:30PM - 4:00 PM Afternoon Sessions in main meeting room - Room: Madrid A
Session One: 1:30 - 2:25 pm - Room: Madrid A
Sandy Connery - Social Media Smattering
Session Two: 2:30 - 3:15 pm - Keynote Speaker - Room: Madrid A
Sponsor to introduce Joshua Schneider
Presenter: Joshua Schneider - Companies who Grow their People GROW - The Science Driving Employee Engagement
Session Three (A): 3:20 - 4:00 pm - Room: Madrid A
Content and speaker TBD
Breakout Session Three (B): 3:20 - 4:00 pm - Room: Madrid B
Executive Directors/Administrators only session
4:15 PM - ? Wrap up event with light snacks and drinks in a venue TBD.
Conference Speakers
Keynote Speaker - Nov 3:
Johnny Campbell - the Transition Man
The 21st Century Leader - Resiliency @Work: (Leadership/Change)
Guide Your Organization to Explosive Growth
Are the changes in today's business world an opportunity for business growth or a pain in the neck? If you're like most business leaders, you are looking for ways to navigate and capitalize on these marketplace changes. When it comes to navigating these changes there are many challenges from how do you take advantage of it, to how the changes will be perceived by your existing customers and embraced by your teams. In this session, I will provide you with a 3-step business growth blueprint that will help your organization stay competitive and profitable while navigating through the uncertainty of the marketplace.
About Johnny Campbell:
Johnny Campbell: Keynote Speaker and Author, Johnny is the founder of Rise-Up and Win International an organization that helps people turn their professional challenges into Breakthroughs & their Products and Services into Profits. Johnny is a Past-President of the National Speaker Association for state of Illinois and is an accredited Speaker a designation presented by Toastmaster International and held by only (66) professional speakers in the world for excellence in public speaking.Based on Johnny's sales results, experiences and his ability to help clients overcome their challenges and succeed in their businesses he is called: "The Transition Man".
Visit Johnny's website at

Sponsorship Opportunity:
Sponsor Johnny Campbell for $700.00 (to cover travel costs) and in return, the sponsor will receive a marketing table in the main conference area for the duration of the conference, as well as 10 minutes to promote your business from the stage and have the option to introduce Johnny.
Keynote Speaker - Nov 4:
Sponsored by
Time 2.0: Counterclockwise - How to Unwind Cognitive Time and Live Forever

Despite the clocks all around us, our brains process time in a non-linear manner. Cognitive biases cause time to accelerate, leading to the perception that life is flying by faster every year. But there are practical actions you can take to reverse this process, so that you are able to experience life more fully. This program will help you:
- Understand the forces that govern experiential time and how cognitive biases in your brain cause time to accelerate.
- Discover actions you can take to manipulate your brain and reverse the process of time slipping away.
Learn how to design your life to create intense and memorable experiences that expand time.
About our Expert:
John K. Coyle is a charismatic Olympic silver medalist, Northwestern University Kellogg Management School MBA, Stanford grad, SVP and Professor of Innovation and analyst for NBC. John delivers thought-provoking and meaningful keynotes and workshops in a humorous and humble manner. His talent is weaving facts, examples and intellectual principles into engaging stories which bring his topics to life and really make you think differently. Visit John's website at
Keynote Speaker November 4 - Joshua Schneider
Companies who grow their people. Grow! The science driving employee engagement
With 70% of the current workforce disengaged in their job - something has to change. Gallup data shows work units in the top quartile of engagement outperformed bottom-quartile units by 10% on customer ratings, 22% in profitability, and 21% in productivity. With significantly lower turnover (25% in high-turnover organizations, 65% in low-turnover organizations), less shrinkage (28%), less absenteeism (37%) and (48%) fewer safety incidents patient safety incidents (41%), and quality defects (41%).
Additionally, Millennials as Gallup have shown are the least engaged group in the workforce today while they are also the fastest growing segment. (75% by 2025) Deloitte 's 2015 Global Human Capital Trends further highlights the issue with a 100% increase from 2014 to 2015 in the importance of Culture and Engagement as polled by HR leaders and Execs. A few years ago this was barely on the radar and today 2/3rds of HR departments are scrambling to update their engagement and retention strategies (Deloitte). EE has a bottom line impact that when addressed can turn a problem into a solution, while it is still an opportunity.
Boston Consulting Group found the number one driver for better culture/engagement is being appreciated for their work. People don 't quit their jobs, they quit their managers. Office Vibe found that 53% of employees said they would remain with their employers for longer periods of time if they felt like they were more appreciated. Unfortunately, 51% of managers have essentially checked out which means they care very little about their job and company and this is driving up turnover driving down innovation, motivation and sinking profitability.
Where do we even start?
About Joshua Schneider:
“Josh is an emotional storyteller, inspiring others to dust off their dreams and let them loose.”
Josh's greatest value is excitement about the unknown and the untested. Each audience, organization and individual is a new experience with unlimited variables - this excites and drives Josh to deliver a life challenging experience with tangible "HOW'S" to equip for lasting change and dangerous results.
As a professional speaker, strengths/skills trainer and founder of a coaching company Josh thrives on taking individuals and teams to their next level. Desiring to unlock the potential in others, Josh published the book Generation NEXTLEVEL, which helps people of all ages define their purpose and create their future.

If he 's not traveling with his family or on the quest for that perfect cup of coffee, you can find Josh speaking and transforming organizational cultures using his gifts as a motivational teacher. Having experienced the scale and size of organizations like Sikorsky Aircraft, with operations in 40 nations around the world, to the intimate shop down the street he truly understands where the future of business lies and how to engage it. To address the needs of employees is more crucial than ever - we need to develop them, to engage them, to help them cultivate their dreams, reach their goals and create fantastic leadership environments. Real leadership is creating a culture of engaged employee's who play to their strengths and love their work. (People who use their strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged on the job - Gallup).
Josh has unlocked the patterns and strategies of creating a truly engaged workforce. As research has shown, investing in employee engagement not only produces an increase in innovation, productivity and happiness but it also proves as a sound investment for companies who desire to grow their bottom line.
Visit Joshua's website at
Keynote Speaker November 4 - Jim Hernandez

As the President of Strategic Business Communications, Inc., Jim brings an extensive background in sales and marketing in having worked with over 30 different businesses, in 31 countries, and on four continents as a motivational speaker, consultant, and trainer. As an international sales, management, and marketing consultant, Jim has worked with everything from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses. His success has placed him on national and local boards of directors, and he has lectured on Sales and Marketing at the University of San Diego and the University of California San Diego.
Jim is fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, and he has been able to implement measurable results-driven sales and marketing plans in many cultures. His responsibilities include a wide variety of areas from managing and running his own growing business, to the task of helping other companies grow and develop their own businesses throughout the world.
Jim is an Alumnus of the University of Victoria where he graduated with a degree in Sociology. He is heavily involved in his community, which includes, 25+ years in Kiwanis where he is a two-time Distinguished President and Hixson Award winner, Chairperson of his church's finance committee, an Outstanding Business Leader with Junior Achievement, and an award-winning Toastmaster.
Break Out Sessions

Breakout Session Leader - Adam Broetje (Seattle Execs)
Online Marketing for Local Businesses
The goal of this session is to give the everyday business owner a solid grasp on how to best approach online marketing and how to measure it's effectiveness. It's not daunting if you know what you need and why.
Local Businesses have a different set of rules compared to national companies in the online space. This means things are a bit easier and there is room for you to grab a nice chunk of new business.
We'll cover strategies that we have found to be effective, as well as the strategies that tend to be a waste of marketing dollars. We'll also show you how to track your efforts in terms of Quality Leads so that you know you are profitable in your efforts.
What you'll come away with:
- The 3 most important things you can do for your Local Business.
- What does Google's big mobile change mean for Local Businesses.
- How to increase visits and calls from customers on mobile devices.
- Strategies to deal with online reviews and encourage your customers to leave good ones.
- Cats. Lots of cats.
- Know which numbers to pay attention to and which to ignore.

Breakout Session Leader - John Backstrom (Seattle Execs)
Effective Tradeshow display and strategies
The goal of this session is to give a general overview of the #1 Business to Business marketing tool - Face to Face Marketing, i.e. Tradeshows, Events and Seminars.
Face to Face Marketing is a powerful tool that can help almost any business engage their customers, find new customers and establish position within their market
We'll cover why tradeshows work for B to B marketing, how to build a plan, how to pick shows, effective display strategies and how to get the best from your booth staff.
What you'll come away with:
- Why Face to Face Marketing works.
- How you can evaluate or build your program.
- Selecting and motivating your booth staff.
- The two things that most exhibitors fail at that you can use to achieve greatness!

Breakout Session Leader - Sandy Connery (Calgary Execs)
Social Media Smattering: Leveraging LinkedIn Groups, Social Media Automation and the New Kid on the Block: Periscope
Social Media is one of the most frustrating marketing avenues for small business owners but we all know it's necessary. Instead of discussing overarching + general social media principles, let's talk specifics that you can apply immediately.
First, how do I reach my target demographic via LinkedIn groups? I will show you an alternative and little used tip to reach local customers. Second, want to decrease the time you spend each week on social media? Is there is an easier way? There is and I will compare and break down social media automating tools and third, have you heard about Periscope? Learn about the newest social media craze and decide if it's for you brand or not.
This talk is for those who currently have some social media presence, and who know their customers are on LinkedIn and is especially relevant for those already creating content (newsletters/blog/articles) for their customers.
Detailed notes on the LinkedIn Groups method will be provided.

Breakout Session Leader - Gayle Stewart (Orange County Execs)
Chapter Administration Sessions
Other Sessions of interest include topics of: Conference Orientation for first time attendees
How to get a Return on Your Investment of time and money while attending the IEA Conference. Learn a few new tricks and be reminded of old ones. We will discuss how to get the most out of a conference or any meeting. Be sure to bring lots of business cards!
Association Management and Administration, Membership Retention, Recruitment & Mentorship, IEA Ambassador Program, And, of course, a Special Session for Association ED's and Administrators only.
Are you a Golfer?

Angel Park - (Palm, Mountain & Cloud Nine)
36 holes designed by Arnold Palmer, surround the Suncoast Hotel
IEA Cup Golf Tournament - November 1st
We have the IEA Cup on Sunday Nov.1st at Angel Park Country Club in Vegas and we will be playing the Palm Course. Spread the word to your members who would love to play a great course in Vegas.
$85 to register for Golf.
Make checks payable to Dominic Rizzo and send them to 1795 W Market St Akron, Ohio 44685.
Sign up Deadline - Oct 16th.