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Leann Scarlett


Red Deer Leads Executive Association


Leann Scarlett


Universal Mortgage Solutions


Mortgage Broker

What makes you good at what you do?

Experience, I have been the financial services industry all my adult life. I started as a work experience student with the local Credit Union spent 18 years with them and found out my dream job of being a branch manager wasn’t really the dream I thought it would be. I left the corporate world and entered in the entrepreneurial world and became a self-employed Mortgage Broker. I have been in this world for 16 years.

"Why" do you do what you do (what is your "Why")

Why do I love to do what I do. With all the experience I have I enjoy sharing my knowledge with my customers. Are you a first time borrow I can share how to purchase a home and give little tricks on how to pay a mortgage down quicker. Perhaps you are a person or family going through some financial troubles and need some way to consolidate debts into one nice little package, maybe a retired couple who have their home paid off and need a way to access their home equity. Whatever phase of life people are going through I may have a financial solution that will help them to where they want or need to be. The bottom line to my why, is that I love seeing people in a better financial position after having worked with me.

How long have you been a member of your Association?

I have been a member of the Red Deer Leads Executive Association for 15 years.

What benefits do you receive from being a member of your association?

I have received business from being a member of this association. I also have received many other benefits: I believe I am a more rounded business person. I can stand up in front of a room of people and speak (am I nervous … of course …) I am just better at it today than I was 15 years ago. I have gained business friendships. Learned about many other different business’ that I would not have known much about if they weren’t part of our club.

Which IEA association would you like to visit and why?

Hawaii of course not much explaining I have to do there. Actually the next on my list to visit is Calgary, as it is only 1.5 hours away, I would like to see how they run their meetings. I went to the Edmonton meeting and am so happy I did, I shared ideas about what I witnessed and I believe our club will implement some of them (Thanks Edmonton IEA).

Which three words would you use to describe yourself?

Approachable, empathetic, honest.

Why are you proud to be a member of your association?

I am proud to be a member of the Leads Executive Association as we have a group of great business people that are focused on helping each other achieve success.