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Jim Hernandez


San Diego


Jim Hernandez


Training by SBC


Sales Management and Sales Training

What makes you good at what you do?

A real passion and 30+ years of experience in working with business owners and managers, and then their sales teams. I get my greatest reward when they let me know how it has helped them improve their own lives.

"Why" do you do what you do (what is your "Why")

My Why in everything we do comes for the core of this: 

A participant in a seminar almost 20 years ago wrote in the comments section of an evaluation "Thank you for teaching me how to feed my family". I had never thought about what we are really doing when helping a business owner, manager, or sales person improve sales. Many before and after that have thanked me for the difference it has made in their careers, and how it has change the lives of their families. 

 How long have you been a member of your Association?

6 years

What benefits do you receive from being a member of your association? 

Amazing vetting businesses whom I can trust to do business with and refer. And quality business people who have a real interest in helping me with my own business.

What is the biggest value you receive from being a member of your association?

A referral network of people who I can trust in my home or business.

Which IEA association would you like to visit and why?

I have been to Edmonton, so I think I would like to visit one on the east coast.

Which three words would you use to describe yourself?

Passionate, caring, welcoming.

Why are you proud to be a member of your association?

It is the most valuable business referral group in our city.

What makes your association unique? For example, what do you tell a prospective member?

We have a requirement that the business leader or owner participate. This completely changes the quality of the individual you get to engage with.