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Connecting businesses

to a trusted International network of contacts

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IEA February 2019 Ambassador Message


  • The IEA Vision
    To be the world’s #1 leading resource for connecting member businesses.
  • The IEA Mission Statement
    To foster the growth of Executive Association businesses by connecting them to a trusted international network of contacts.

All IEA members have a profile on the IEA website.  Click on the Member Login on the IEA homepage to access your account.  Add your headshot and logo and company information including a description of your services.  Click on the “Edit Featured Member” tab to check the box to enable your business to be in rotation for display on the IEA homepage.

Would you like to share an offer or provide a discount to IEA members?  Click on the “Edit Offers” tab and provide a description of your offer as well as uploading an image if you’d like.  IEA members can click on the “Membership Benefits” tab to find the “IEA Members Offers/Deals” section where your offer will also be displayed.

Also under the “Membership Benefits” tab you will find the “Brand Stories” section.  You have the opportunity to write your business or brand story and have it rotate through this section of the website.  You can also include a visual image.  Make it interesting.  I have some idea starters if you need a jumping off point.

These are just a few of the website features that we discussed on the call.  If your association is interested in showing your members how to use the IEA website an IEA board member would be happy to do a Zoom remote presentation via your laptop and projector/LCD screen at one of your meetings.     

Engage with the IEA website and get the exposure you deserve.

Lisa Woodstock

International Executives Association Board of Directors, Immediate Past President

Seattle Executives Association, Past President