- The IEA Vision
To be the world’s #1 leading resource for connecting member businesses. - The IEA Mission Statement
To foster the growth of Executive Association businesses by connecting them to a trusted international network of contacts.
What do successful associations have in common? Learn what other associations have tried and what has worked and what hasn’t. The regional calls are open to any association member and have been attended by Executive Directors, IEA Ambassadors, Association Presidents and Committee Chairs
Here are some of the ideas that have been shared during past conference calls:
New Jersey: They have stopped targeting business classifications and are targeting good networkers. People that are good at networking see the value of the organization. They have had success with dividing their membership into teams for a membership drive and the team that brings in the most new members receives a gift certificate for a restaurant. The team goes to the dinner together which deepens their relationships, another benefit of membership – social connections.
Honolulu: They have the HEA Green Polo Shirt Club. Once a member sponsors a new member into the organization the new member receives a plaque and the sponsoring member receives an HEA embroidered logoed shirt. The first meeting of every month everyone wears their shirt. When a member brings in 10 members they receive a white HEA embroidered logoed shirt. Their members also wear these shirts out in the community and it is great marketing for HEA. Members are proud to wear their shirts. People in the community are familiar with HEA and they have people that would like to join yet their category is filled.
San Francisco: They have earmarked a small budget to try something new. They have selected a few members who are outgoing and eager for new business and will pay for their meal cost to attend other local leads groups, to both market their business and recruit for San Francisco Exec’s. Prospective members are invited to two meetings for free and they seat them with some of the older SF Exec’s members. They have found that this has revitalized some of their older members. They are also starting a social media campaign on Next Door (
San Diego: They have a robust ongoing social media push. They have members that are specifically committed to posting and the rest of the membership is asked to share or comment. They also have a quarterly meeting devoted to social media education and “how to’s”. This is bringing members along that are not familiar with how to use social media. They are also receiving points for participating in the social media push.
Calgary: Quarterly keynote speakers at their regular breakfast meeting time slot. The speaker is also a generalist so they do not conflict with existing members. Invitations go to the business community (tickets $30 early bird/$40 late) and the normal profit is $100-$200 per event. The event is used to drive awareness of CEA. Response has been 10 – 100 guests, dependent on the speaker, with 2 or 3 applications per event.
Detroit: They don't do fund raising per se but in November of each year, they hold an Executive of the Year luncheon where they honor someone in the Detroit business community. Some past honorees have been Edsel Ford, Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Peter Karmanos, and Dave Bing, to name a few. They usually make between $3000-4000 at this event. They also hold a President's Ball early in the year. This year they made $1,000 on the event.
I encourage you to take advantage of the conference calls and if you have suggested topics, I would like to hear from you.
Lisa Woodstock, President
International Executives Association Board of Directors
Seattle Executives Association